discover your karmic blueprint


Calculate your FREE Vedic Birth chart

Use the form below to calculate your Vedic Birth chart to begin exploring Vedic Astrology and yourself in more depth! This chart calculator uses the signs you are probably used to, but it uses the sidereal (astronomically accurate) zodiac as well as the lunar mansions (nakshatras). For more information about Vedic Astrology and the sidereal zodiac, please visit this blog post.

If you have any further questions about the calculator or basic questions about how to read the chart, please don’t hesitate to email me or get in touch with me on social media (links to all of this can be found on my contact page, but my handle is yogiscopes across all platforms that I use).

If you would like more in-depth analysis on your birth chart, or help deciphering what upcoming astrological weather has in store for you personally, please book a reading with me.

Book a Reading!


Calculate your FREE Vedic Birth chart

Use the form below to calculate your Vedic Birth chart to begin exploring Vedic Astrology and yourself in more depth! This chart calculator uses the signs you are probably used to, but it uses the sidereal (astronomically accurate) zodiac as well as the lunar mansions (nakshatras). For more information about Vedic Astrology and the sidereal zodiac, please visit this blog post.

If you have any further questions about the calculator or basic questions about how to read the chart, please don’t hesitate to email me or get in touch with me on social media (links to all of this can be found on my contact page, but my handle is yogiscopes across all platforms that I use).

If you would like more in-depth analysis on your birth chart, or help deciphering what upcoming astrological weather has in store for you personally, please book a reading with me.

Book a Reading!

Need more guidance?

*Please note: the chart calculator works much better on a desktop! After receiving some feedback from students that it was hard to see everything, I made the box smaller for easier scrolling on mobile view. On desktop view, you can see everything at once usually. 

*On mobile view, you can also long press on the individual charts to save each one as an image. I recommend doing that with the North Indian style birth chart (top left) and the info table (bottom left)

*Please shoot me an email (you can simply fill out the form below, make sure you include all the info the calculator asks for) if you would like a pdf or image copy, and I will send you one!

After you fill out the form, you will be sent back to this page.