19. Speak your Dreams into Existence: Cultivating Community for Manifestation

As a motivational speaker named Jim Rohn once said “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This quote is provocative and compelling, but studies have shown that our networks of influence are a little more complicated than that, especially in this day and age of social media and people around the world being one phone call away--not to mention how interconnected we are with people around the world just via supply chain and global markets. Nonetheless, it's a powerful reminder! Keep your circle of influence full of motivating, inspirational, space-holding, non-soul-sucking people, and you are sure to be better off! For the most part in this life you get to pick your team, so make sure they're winners. In this episode, we go over just how to do that, and the real reasons why the people we surround ourselves with influence our outcomes so much. 

We examine the interconnectedness of everything, from a spiritual and very real perspective. We also examine how societal structures can act as a barrier or leverage for some people, such as white privilege and generational wealth. We also examine how the notion of "it takes a village to raise a child" also applies to creative projects and career or big life pursuits, and how this can be seen in yoga philosophy, ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology).

Above all, in this episode I describe several reasons why "speaking it into existence really" works--and you can leverage this knowledge to make it work for you even better! Basically, having a support network is vital. But not just any support network, one that will empower you, set healthy boundaries with you, hold you accountable, and show up for you when you need it. When you vocalize your dreams to these kinds of people, they will support you in surprising ways, keeping you on track, acting as a sounding board, and so much more.

However, It takes time and constant intention to create a healthy support network. On the episode, I discuss how to recognize and let go of unhealthy relationships to create space for ones that serve you. AND how to balance this with not being the "taker" of the relationships. Remember, to have a friend one must be a friend. This is  a tough balance for sure. Listen to gain some insights, hear some pitfalls and examples.

None of us can truly do this life thing by ourselves. Please apply the insights from this episode to take a look at your network, how you show up for them, and how they show up for you. 

And lastly, if you'd like to be a part of a community around yoga and astrology, please join my facebook group to share with other likeminded folks around these topics. We'd be so happy to have you there!  

If you'd like to join the Yoga + Astrology facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2852274405102702/

If you'd like to read the blog post that goes along with this episode for more detailed show notes, please visit: https://www.yogiscopes.com/podcast/19

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