18. Manifesting Your Dreams: Hard Truths and Proven Strategies

Manifesting your dreams is a lifestyle, not a once-and-done event. Listen to this episode to hear some common misconceptions and pitfalls when it comes to manifesting, and then four simple steps to implement these habits in your life in an easy way. 

Step 1: Release attachments

This one might be the hardest of them all, and that's why we start with it first. You have to release attachments not only to exactly HOW, WHEN, and WHAT is going to play out with your manifestation, but you also must release attachments to what your life is like now--because if nothing changes, nothing changes. This is also where we have to get real in acknowledging societal barriers, such as the role white privilege can play in speeding up or slowing down our manifestation timeline. Remember, everything we want to manifest comes with a trade-off--to get something, we must create space by giving up something else. Listen to the episode to hear some examples of what I mean here, or how this could play out.

Step 2: Deep listening

We must cultivate some practices from the 8 limbs of yoga here: pratyhara (sense withdrawal) and dharana (one pointed focus) are some extremely helpful ones. We need to turn our awareness inward to get really clear on how things land personally. Some helpful questions to ask yourself: Why do you want whatever it is that you want?  Are you craving a shiny object, or the feeling that having that thing would create? Listen on to find out how and why to implement this step before even taking action!


Step 3: Intention and Effort

Once you've gotten clear on what it is your trying to manifest and why, and released attachments to how exactly things will play out, its now time to decide what action you're going to take (set your intention) and  take action (put forth effort). This is where you take massive, imperfect action in the direction of your dreams! With just the right amount of focus and clarity, it's time to get out there and make some mistakes!! Learn by doing! Remember, positive affirmations and vision boards can be helpful in keeping intention at the forefront of your mind, but they are useless in the absence of efforts.

Step 4: Patience & Consistency

Remember, massive, imperfect action means mistakes will come. Things won't happen the way you wanted them to (remember step one!). You may have been overly ambitious, and things aren't happening as fast as you pictured. Please, be gentle with yourself, always. Sometimes, it can be helpful to shake it up to keep things fresh. Listen to the episode to hear tips to stay consistent when the going gets tough--because it will!

Remember, these are lifestyle tips. There is no one-size fits all approach or  magic pill. Making dreams come true through manifestation is an iterative, nonlinear process. If you do want a "magic pill" cultivating a regular yoga practice and studying astrology for self-awareness will help tremendously with staying in the flow of life and on track with where you are in YOUR iterative process.

Incremental Change/Stages of Change episode I mentioned: https://the-science-of-light.simplecast.com/episodes/incremental-change-and-behavior-change-science

If you'd like to read the blog post that goes along with this episode for more detailed show notes, please visit: https://www.yogiscopes.com/podcast/18

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