Incremental Change for Major Transformations: Behavior Change Science + Ayurveda

Woops! I took a month off from podcasting because, well, life happened. In this solo episode, I describe the wisdom gained from pausing and reorienting, and use that as an example for applying behavior change science to achieving your goals. Because as I always say, if you're PERSISTENT, you'll achieve your goals, but if you're CONSISTENT you'll maintain them. This episode illustrates concepts of incremental change, from thinking about making a change to sustaining the new behavior or outcome.

Our lives are just a collection of our habits and behaviors. Our habits and behaviors  are generally byproducts of our circumstances, and they serve us well until they don't anymore. When we want to make a change or reach a new goal, we might start to  try to cultivate new behaviors and turn those behaviors into habits. When we see "overnight successes" we often don't see the years or even decades of preparation that went into that.  Yoga, astrology, and Ayurveda practices help us find the middle path between  precise preparation and analysis paralysis. 

transformations, habits, incremental change, what "overnight success" actually takes

At time marker 12:30 I discuss the transtheoretical model. The stages of change outlined in this model are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance. Some models view this as several separate linear processes, others view it as cyclical, and  even include a "relapse" stage. 

Around the 32:00 time marker I start discussing how this psychological model relates to Ayurveda and yoga philosophy.

Journal prompts related to these concepts at 49:00 time mark. To summarize: What are your biggest goals in life? How do your behavior or habits align with those goals? What support structures (people, habits, practices, etc) help you get or stay in alignment with those goals and priorities? What stage of change do you think you are in? Did you skip any steps to get where you are? Do you need to go back and revisit?

Find an astrology update around the 51 minute mark.

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