Jungian Psychology + Astrology: Studying archetypes, patterns, and alchemy

*Sound note: I'm still a baby sound engineer! There is a buzzing sound that happens sometimes starting a few minutes in and then lasting the rest of the interview. It was the sound of the fan on Kara's computer kicking on, I think. I did my best to tone it down, but any more was impossible to edit out without making her voice inaudible as well. Woops! I apologize if that makes this episode hard to listen to for you, it is totally not the norm for this podcast!


In this episode, I interview a psychologist from the Asheville area, Kara Catrelle. She incorporates Vedic astrology in to her psychotherapy practice. We dive into a lot of different frameworks and ways to use archetypes and patterns as psychological tools for our clients or our own introspection. We discuss the Jungian concept of a "third" being created when two people enter a relationship. We also discuss entrepreneurship and building a business as a healer.


The books and resources Kara recommends to learn more:


Light on Life by Hart Defouw

Planets through the Signs and Houses by Bephin Behari (with workbooks!)

Jungian Psychology:

This Jungian Life Podcast

To find Kara: https://www.karacatrelle.com


Links to Kara's Vedic Astrology Online School:





To find me: https://www.yogiscopes.com

or https://www.instagram.com/yogiscopes/
