The Science of Light

The Science of Light

Hosted by: Rosemary Holbrook

The Science of Light is a podcast that weaves stories, research, and philosophy to make sense of life. Join me, Rosemary, in exploring holistic wellness topics from a perspective that blends spirituality with science....

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15. How to Make Your Body Believe Your Positive Affirmations: Secrets to Manifesting that Sh*t!

Self efficacy is defined as "the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations" or, to put it more simply, your confidence in your ability to do...
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14. Neural Pathways and Samskaras

Are your habits and patterns serving you? Does your lifestyle feel sattvic (pure) and filled with ease? Chances are, if you're human, the answer to both of those questions is not always. Same here! This episode...
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Vedic Guidance for Living a Richer Life with Christine Rodriguez

In this episode we discuss living a richer life through yoga asana practice, self study, Ayurveda, holistic living through Vedic sciences. We also think through how these practices can be informed by social work...
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Incremental Change for Major Transformations: Behavior Change Science + Ayurveda

Woops! I took a month off from podcasting because, well, life happened. In this solo episode, I describe the wisdom gained from pausing and reorienting, and use that as an example for applying behavior change science...
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Astronomy vs. Astrology + Enneagram

When you find out that the sun wasn't actually literally where your horoscope says it was when you were born, it can feel a little bit like an identity crisis if you enjoy astrology. If you want to stay true to...
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Blazing your own trail + Leading others with Miranda Peterson of Namaste in Nature

Miranda started a new life when she found herself nearing 30 and  feeling unfulfilled in her life, work, relationships, and health. She broke those cycles and went on a journey of finding herself through yoga and...
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Living Your Truth + Healing through Fitness with Mark A. Turnipseed

Mark Turnipseed is an author, triathlete, model, coach, person in recovery, and openly gay man.  In this episode, he shares how a need to be honest and vulnerable about his experiences and trauma evolved from blogging...
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Neuroscience and the Mind-Body Connection: Directing Prana for Resilience

Yoga and exercise put our body in healthy, controlled stress modes. However, when we exist under chronic stress or do not have some sort of connection to how that stress impacts our body, maladaptive symptoms and...
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Life Purpose + Compatibility: Interview with Astrological Soulmate Business Partners

Life Purpose is a system that uses the numerology of a person's birth date to arrive at a set of three numbers that give suggestions and details about what that person must overcome to reach their highest self, or...
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Cultivating Resilience through Trauma Informed Yoga: Research and Practices

Learn the research behind why yoga, as a physical and spiritual practice, is a perfect framework for cultivating resilience. In this episode, I begin to define resilience as the ability to overcome stressors and...
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Gardening + Creativity: Staying connected to self, source, and priorities

This episode weaves astrology and mindset techniques through Jessica Olive's story about how she arrived at this point in her life and how her business evolved. Jessica is a creative entrepreneur, stay at home mom (or...
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Jungian Psychology + Astrology: Studying archetypes, patterns, and alchemy

*Sound note: I'm still a baby sound engineer! There is a buzzing sound that happens sometimes starting a few minutes in and then lasting the rest of the interview. It was the sound of the fan on Kara's computer...
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