Change your Constraints: Saturn Retrograde Personal and Global Predictions 2024

Constraints are those annoying little pieces of reality that say how you can and can't get from where you are to where you want to be. It's really easy to view these blockages as stopping points rather than guideposts--but that's exactly what Saturn is trying to make us see. Saturn wants us to work WITH reality, rather than be stopped in our tracks by it.


Everyone is working with constraints. There will ALWAYS be constraints. Even if, for example, you win the lottery, so money is no longer a constraint, you will then be bound by other constraints such as the time it takes to realistically accomplish something. Money is the lowest hanging fruit when considering barriers to getting where we want to go. It's easy to say "I'm not where I want to be because I can't afford X, Y, or Z resource that others can afford". While that may be true--sometimes other people DO have an easier time because they have more resources or some other advantage over you. Saturn (especially during retrograde) asks you to challenge that thought and get creative with solutions. 


Remember - constraints don't mean something is going away or won't work long term. How you (or we, collectively) work with those constraints or don't (change them or uphold the status quo) determines how we move forward. The presence of constraints does not determine the outcome, how we work with them does.


Tune into this episode to hear historical examples of Saturn's retrograde through Aquarius so you can get a general idea of what to expect collectively.


And, as always, listen until the end to hear yoga practices & journal prompts to help you best work with this energy on a personal level.