Financial & Food Revolution over the next 8 years - Uranus in Taurus!!

Get ready to find new solutions to old problems, and make sure those solutions are in alignment with your personal values. While you're at it, you might consider to what degree your personal values are shaped by your current environment and your upbringing, and if that is serving you or not. (journal prompts to help sort this out in the episode, of course!)

Uranus moves to Taurus in a couple weeks! This is a major deal given that Uranus stays in a sign for 7-8 years, depending on retrogrades (it will make its first shift out of taurus in 2031 and move to gemini for good in 2032).

This period is likely to influence our stability, values, and the potential for personal and global revolutions in areas like finance, agriculture, and environmental activism. Learn about the historical significance of past transits, and explore how to align your actions with your values for a more grounded and fulfilling life. Tune in for practical tips, journaling prompts, and yoga practices to help you navigate this transformative period.


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