Don't start something you can't finish...But do start SOMETHING - Akshaya Tritaya 2024

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the year 2024, particularly as we enter the first full week of May - a period marked by its auspiciousness for beginning new ventures and setting intentions into motion. This time, celebrated in the Vedic calendar as Akshaya Tritiya, offers unparalleled support and luck for those ready to plant the seeds of their deepest desires. I invite you to reflect deeply on what it is you wish to bring forth in this expansive time. Whatever it is, now is the moment to hone in on that singular goal that will define your success in the year ahead. This episode includes yoga practices and journal prompts to help you gain clarity and embody that intention :)


p.s. apologies for the audio on this episode being a little whack. I am aware and working to fix it. Thanks for your patience as you listen!


Try out the Akshaya Tritaya YOGISCOPES Flow practice mentioned in this podcast episode:


To book another YOGISCOPES flow practice so you can flow with the astrological energies present, check the online schedule at