Release Unhealthy Relationship Patterns for the Full Moon in Swati - April 2024

In this episode of the YOGISCOPES podcast, hosted by Rosemary Holbrook, the discussion centers around the themes of independence, relationships, and the balance between the two, in the context of the upcoming full moon on April 23rd, 2024.

Rosemary delves into the growth patterns of grass to illustrate the concept of interdependence, contrasting the idea of a single blade of grass (which is impossible) with the reality of multiple blades growing from one seed. This serves as a metaphor for the episode's focus on the full moon in Libra, an air sign associated with relationships and diplomacy.

The episode guides listeners through the significance of the full moon, its relation to releasing or culminating aspects concerning relationships, and its connectivity to the Vedic astrology concept of the Swati Nakshatra – symbolized by a single, yet interconnected, blade of grass.

Rosemary shares her personal journey, including a hiatus from the podcast due to health and personal reasons, and her decision to integrate her offerings more cohesively under Mars Hill Yoga.

She offers journal prompts and yoga practices to help listeners navigate the themes of independence vs. co-dependence, and the importance of embracing interdependence. The episode culminates with an encouragement for listeners to reflect on their relationship patterns and how they align with the Libra full moon's energies.

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