2023.10.23 eclipse in aries
[00:00:00] Happy half moon. As I'm recording this, the moon is halfway full. We are halfway between the new moon eclipse. We just had insight diirio Virgo on October 14th, 2023, and the moon is halfway full and it's moon day as I'm recording this, it's a Monday. The moon's halfway full on the way to our full moon solar eclipse in Siberia, Aries. That's happening on this Saturday, October, I almost said August, October 28th. Uh, 2023. And so that's what this episode is going to be all about. I am actually recording this earlier in the week than I usually do. Because the full moon is on Saturday. And I was like, I, it was a priority to me to get this out. Sooner, um, so that you could have some time to sort of be sitting with the information and digesting it so that you can be most prepared for how you're going to work with this full moon solar eclipse. So this episode is your Yogi scope for the full moon. Eclipse happening this weekend. So, first of all, I'd just like to extend you a warm welcome to the Yogi scopes podcast, whether you're a new listener. Or a returning listener. I'm so glad that you're here. Every single one of you. Um, Like every single person that listens to an episode. And I see it on my little analytics page of, of listeners. I'm just grateful for each one of you, especially the ones that come back week after week. And so, yeah. I'm your host Rosemary Holbrook. Thanks for listening to this podcast. Thanks for spending time with me today or every week or however often. You have listened to this podcast. If you're new around here, a Yogi scope is yoga practices. Think of it like a horoscope for yogis it's yoga practices for the astrological weather, like whatever's happening. Under Vedic Astrology, because if you're into yoga, Vedic astrology goes much better with yoga, in my opinion. There's a lot of reasons for that. I have a couple of blogs on my website. If you want to explore more into that, you can go to Yogi scopes.com/blog. And just poke around, especially the one that says, what is Vedic? Astrology is a really good place. To start if that's new. News to you. Um, right. So. So I've created some resources. I don't want to sit here and like, Bore people that maybe hear me say something like this every week, but it is also important to know that. Um, the eclipse is happening inside Dariel Aries, which is more astronomically accurate than I suppose the Western folks are probably like the loudest people on the internet. If you've been, if you pay attention to astrology in a general sense, the loudest people on the internet are talking about this eclipse happening in tourists.
[00:02:43] So that's in the, under the tropical Zodiac, which Western astrology uses, which if you're new to astrology up until this point, Uh, you probably just knew of astrology and thought there was like maybe only one kind or maybe you had some inkling that there were different kinds. Anyway. Vedic astrology, which I'm going to assert pairs much better with yoga. If you love yoga and love astrology, I'm going to. Um, Kindly assert that. You should be using Vedic astrology, which uses this idea of Zodiac, which I have an article about on my website. If you want to read more. But suffice it to say this eclipse is happening in areas. And we're going to talk today about what that means. And of course yoga practices and journal prompts. To best work with this. Eclipse first, a couple of housekeeping announcements before I dive into the astrology of the full moon. One is that if you're local to Asheville or can be in Asheville, North Carolina, this weekend, that's where I'm located. I'm having a full moon event. Um, and it's, if you go to Yogi scopes.com/classes, you can see all the details there. It's just outside of Asheville. It's at my farm retreat where I live. And we have a, what I'm calling. My yoga barn. Um, At my husband belt with love for me. Uh, to have yoga stuff in, and this will be our third full moon event. They have been super fun. We're also doing forest bathing. Um, and it's just five 30 to 8:30 PM. So if you're local or can get here this weekend, I don't have lodging for you unless you want to camp, which I'm so down for. If you want to camp, you can just email me and. And we'll talk about it, but. Um, yeah, cause I have like 17 acres there's woods. Um, And like hundreds of acres of woods behind our property. So it's a super nice place to come and spend some mindful time in nature. Do some yoga, do a practice for this full moon and you can go to Yogi scopes.com/classes to sign up. That is an in-person event. And if you're in the membership, That gets you access to, to the in-person events as well. Um, you just have to email me and let me know that you want to be there. Um, so that, because we do have limited space, limited parking specifically, so I have to cap the event. And then second housekeeping announcement. Is that if you have taken the birth chart, basics mini course, which is always open for enrollment, if you want to dive a little bit deeper into, um, learning your birth chart, you can go to Yogi scopes.com/offerings. But if you've signed up for that course at any point, The next quarterly live Q and a is right now scheduled for November 19th, which is a Sunday at 11:00 AM. Eastern. I'm actually considering moving that to. The Saturday immediately before I shouldn't have said that out loud before I decided, but here we are. This is who I am as a person. And then third housekeeping announcement is, um, our reading winners from the recent survey. I. Told y'all I was going to do this, that I was going to pick the ones whose like answers I wanted to know more about and put them in a drawing. And I was only going to choose three, but I chose six because why am I like this? I don't know. So congrats to Kendra. Megan Lewis, Bianca, Carolyn and Jerry. So all six of you should have gotten an email from me this morning. Um, to get you scheduled for that, uh, reading follow up. Because I don't know. I just wanted to ask you all six of you more about what you put and I decided. We'll just figure it out. So I sent you an email with a scheduling link. For all six of you, we'll get you scheduled. A couple of you are already scheduled and banks. And I'll see you at our time, but otherwise, uh, that was for a survey I sent out recently and the everybody, even if I didn't select you for a. Uh, reading follow up because mostly it's, this is like, maybe it's messed up, but it was purely based on people whose answers I wanted to know more about, um, And it is what it is. And so I chose those people. I couldn't narrow it down any more than that. I wanted to talk to each one of you. Um, and because most of you are. I have been pretty active in the community. So that's part of it. Um, I sent out a membership trial. To everybody who filled out the survey and it turns out the survey is. So even though I've done the reading drawing, and that's, uh, over and done with, if you do want to. Uh, get that two week free membership trial. You can still go and fill out the survey if you want to. And I'll email you the membership trial. Um, I'll link it one more time in the show notes, but yeah. Okay. So let's get into the astrology. I don't normally have that much housekeeping announcements. But this time I did. So. Here we are at the end of a very, very big. Cycle. So as you may have heard, if you've been listening to the podcast for a little bit, that, um, RA who and K2, which are the known as the nodes of the moon, if you know of that from Western astrology, that's what they're called in Western astrology and Vedic astrology. They're called raw human K2. Um, but there. The nodes of the moon. Um, there are the eclipse points, so they are responsible for. Eclipses in general. And eclipse season is always a big deal. Because it is.
[00:08:03] What, what happens at eclipse season is so at any new moon, for example, The moon and sun are, are together in assigned, but they don't travel the exact same path in the sky. Um, so when they come to the same degree, point of a sign from our perspective, which is what's happening in astrology, They're not like over top of each other. They're just in the same point in the sky. But at an eclipse. This is a new moon eclipse. I'm talking about the moon blocks out the sun. Which from an astrological standpoint. So this is still for the eclipse. We just had the new moon, solar eclipse. Where, um, Intuition. Is hi. Right because the moon is feelings, emotions, intuition, and the sun is like the soul. And like self-expression, so I'm at a new moon eclipse. It's more of a time to sort of lay low and tap into your feelings and, um, emotions. And. And be, and think about how that informs your expression in general. And then this one is a full moon lunar eclipse, where the earth cast its shadow. On the moon. So the moon now. That sort of mind and emotions is blotted out. So. I guess astrologically at a full moon lunar eclipse, which is the one that's coming up this weekend. It's more like it's still considered the whole entire eclipse season is considered a time to lay low and be more spiritual and be more in touch with your sort of inner workings because of this. Um, Eclipsing that's happening, like for lack of a better word, like the, when the moon eclipses the sun, it's not a good time to be like outward. And then when the earth eclipses the moon, It's not a good time. You know, your emotions might be clouded basically. So this whole time during eclipse season, Which is, I did a special episode about the entire clip season and sort of like what was going on. It came out on September 22nd, which was a month ago now. Um, you can go back and re-listen to it, but. Basically eclipse season runs from the full moon before this one, in this case to the new moon after. So it's six weeks. Um, It runs from this year from September 29th. To November 13th, which is the new moon in Libra. So I've been sort of like breaking this down and talking about it for weeks now, because it's important. And because, um, I want y'all to be paying a little extra special attention because that's the move for eclipse season. Like that's what any of us should be doing is, um, Basically in a nutshell, just keep doing. The work that you're doing, but pay attention to the signs and the, um, like downloads you have. And I often hear people say that eclipse season, isn't the time to just start something completely new. But I do think it's the T so if you get some crazy idea out of left field, Um, You might not go and do it. It's probably not a good idea to go and do it. During this six week period, because there's this element of like more will be revealed. Like you might be having like crazy downloads right now, or these like. Crazy synchronicities happening in your life. And, but with that, so it's like good pay attention to those things. Lean into them. Yes. But. Don't. Put all your eggs in that basket, I guess, because of that whole element of like the mind is a little bit clouded, especially for this full moon eclipse. So it's good to just be receptive, be as receptive as possible and don't act yet. That's like the point I was trying to get to with explaining what what's happening, astronomically and how that translates. Astrologically with like the moon blotting out the sun and then earth blotting out the moon at this eclipse season. How that plays out in your life is. Pay attention to what's coming up, but, um, Just try to make sense of it right now. And you can act on it later after eclipse season is over. If that makes sense. And so that's in a nutshell, that's like any eclipse season in general, let's talk in more depth about what's happening. More specifically with this eclipse season. And of course, more specifically with the upcoming eclipse in Aries. And so we just had an eclipse in Virgo. Did a special episode about that? And Virgo is where K2 is moving. And so I also did a special episode about RA who moving to Pisces from areas where raw, who is right now and K2 moving to Virgo. So that'll be important to understand. In its own way and I'm not going to like recap that too much, right. This second, but what's important to know is that the new moon we just had would have been a time to set your intentions around. How you want the next 18 months to go? Like, what do you want to embody for the next 18 months? And this full moon eclipse coming up in Aries. Has a huge, like, New beginning. Through an ending vibe to it. So, uh, and I'll explain why, because for several reasons, but, uh, first reason being Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. So, and this, the knock shot or where it's happening. Which is a layer mansion in Vedic astrology. Um, they're just more specific than signs if that's your first time hearing that word, or if you're still new and don't quite understand. the idea is they function exactly like signs, but they're just a little bit more specific. I also have an article on my website about that. If you go to go to the scopes.com/blog. Um, and you can find the one about And just in general, what they mean and how to use them, but the knock shot. Tra the lunar mansion where this eclipse is happening is the first. of the Zodiac. Um, so there's usually like two to two and a half knocks. Yatra is per sign. Um, or I guess I should say two and a half to three. Anyway, there's a couple of notches in assign. They're more specific than signs. They're like smaller segments of the sky. And so this is not only the first sign of the Zodiac first, not Shondra. Of the Zodiac. But. The eclipse points, RA who and K2. Move backwards. Compare. So normally. Areas is the first sign. Pisces is the last. So Aries has this connection to new beginnings and Pisces has a connection to endings in general, in a general sense. Um, among other things, right. And so.
[00:14:59] Visit clips being a full moon, full moons in general are it's the end of it's like the peak of a lunar cycle. So the only place to go from there is down, right? It's a. Uh, beginning of the waning cycle. Of the moon, beginning of the end, right. At any full moon in general. And then this one is happening. In. The first. Sign of Zodiac first mark shatter of the Zodiac. With the eclipse points, moving backwards towards the end of the Zodiac. Right? So that's another connection we're drawing to this. Um, Ending a new beginning. Yeah. You know thing happening here. And then another, um, sort of connection to that, that ending a new beginning thing is that this is the end of the RA who in K2 cycle. So they stay in a sign for 18 months for a year and a half. And Raho and K2 are the. Most karmic planets in Vedic astrology, like, um, that's actually what we just spent this past. Um, Workshop we did. We do monthly workshops and the membership. And this weekend we did one around. Um,
[00:16:09] This upcoming, you know, just in more in depth, we did a yoga practice and got a journaling. And then, um, some like lecture, portion and practice on charts. For. What to expect for this? Uh, coming new cycle, right. And how to sort of step through this eclipse season and new beginning with grace. Um, But a lot of what we focused on in there was talking about how to see. Um, when it, when we say raw, who and K2 are these karmic planets and they're indicators of your karma. That's what the workshop was on, was like how to see that, like how to interpret that for yourself, basically. Um, but an, an assertion that I want to make. That might make it more, make more sense. In your life. Is that. And I explain this in more depth in the workshop, too, which by the way, if you just fill out the survey. I will send you the trial and you can watch the replay of the workshop. Um, but you have to put your email address and fill out the survey. And so the assertion that I make is that. Karma's are pretty much synonymous with traumas. And so I'm by that, I mean, that. Traumas and karmas alike are sort of like the hand you've been dealt. It's like things that you've been through, um, you know, in this life or, you know, maybe even in a past life, if you subscribed to that, I don't, I'm going to also assert that it's not that important if you. Um, maybe don't. Fully understand or believe reincarnation as a belief system, maybe you do. And then this works really well, but even if you don't, I think it still does that. Basically, we all have like different hands we've been dealt. And the hand we've been dealt in life. You know, it might be a shitty hand, but we got to play it to the best of our ability because it's what we have. Right. And, um, that's basically. What your karmas are, it's the hand you've been dealt in life. And so your karmas might be similar to your family's Karma's, but they're just a little bit different. Right? And so that's been a big theme of the past few months, is that sort of lineage, um, And generational trauma, linear healing kind of stuff has been coming up. So, um, So, yeah, so basically. From a spiritual standpoint, karmas are the hand you've been dealt. And even if it's shitty, like it's what you've got and you've got to, uh, work with what you've got. And that's all you've got to work with is what you've got. If that makes sense. And from a. Um, I guess less spiritual standpoint talking about karmas or mean traumas, sorry. Traumas are also to a degree, like the hand you've been dealt, even if it's shitty, like we've been through stuff in life. And I think. Personally that your Dharma or your right path. Comes from just doing the next right thing. Uh, despite whatever hand you've been dealt. So despite whatever your karmas are, despite whatever your traumas are, um, if you're following your Dharma, you're like, wow, I've been dealt this shitty hand. But I'm just going to keep trying to do the best I can with what I've got and doing that is following your Dharma. And so a lot of us. Are pretty much doing that in an intuitive sense, but it still helps to try to understand it. Um, from an astrological perspective, because it's extremely validating. And so that's the kind of thing we talked about in the workshop yesterday. Um, was like more nitty-gritty than I'm going to get into on this podcast episode about how to. Um,
[00:19:47] Like see that in your chart and how to interpret it and the bits and pieces of like, Okay. How do you interpret that? And I'm going to tell you right now to bring this full circle to our discussion that it has to do with raw wound K2. K2 right. R like the karmas you need to be addressing in your life where, where a lot of your focus is going to be placed. And so you'll want to look at where they are in your birth chart. That's going to be important. And that's something we work through. Um, yesterday in the workshop, as well as where they're going. And so that's why. It's like this change happening right now is a big deal. It's like, you're still going to be working through those karmas in your chart, but with like a new flavor of lessons coming up, if you will, with this change with Bronco and K2 changing signs. And so that's the new cycle. That we're at the beginning of, and that's what this, so this eclipse is marking. The beginning of a new cycle in, hopefully that you're sort of bringing. Past new beginnings to. Full circle to fruition, right? And so that has to do with. The fact that it's an Aries. The fact that Roku and K2 are also changing signs literally two days later, because I don't know if I said this already, but the eclipse is happening on October 28th, which is Saturday. Um, at around 4:23 PM Eastern time. And, um, Then on October 30th is when RA who in Katy, which is Monday, is when RA who and K2. Move science officially. And so I've been talking about this for weeks and here it is like we're here. It's happening. And so I'm going to tell you on this podcast episode, this is what I'm getting to. Is like what you should be paying attention to, like how you can best work with that. And some yoga practices of course, to support you. Um, but first I just want to dive a little bit more deeply into the knock shot, tra. Um, and before I even do that, I just want to point out a couple other astrological things. That are happening. So we've talked about what a solar eclipse means, um, that the, or, sorry, this is a lunar eclipse that the earth is casting its shadow on the full moon, the moon representing the mind and emotions when it becomes full, it receives and reflects the light of the sun. So it's like our mind and emotions reflect the light of our soul out a full moon, if you will.
[00:22:12] And so this one is being blotted out by the shadow of the earth, which I suppose in a. In an astrological interpretation sense. That could mean that like, You know, sort of earthly realities are getting in the way of. Our mind really being receptive. To more spiritual. Things right. If that makes sense. And so that's a big. Theme of this eclipse is. Um, That's why in general and eclipse. Times, we just want to slow down and be receptive and just pay more attention instead of being outward because what you're receiving. Spiritually during this time, like the downloads you're receiving the synchronicities, you're noticing. Are probably really valuable and you should probably be paying extra attention to them, but acting on them right now will just be a little bit clouded and you need to wait until that sort of. Shadow. If you will. Is lifted. Uh, before you go acting on it, but I do think it's important to be paying attention to the downloads and the synchronicities. If you will. And then so also at this time, Mercury and Mars are there in Libra with K2 and the sun. And so the moon's over there in Aires. Um, with Jupiter. Raw Yahoo. And Uranus. Okay. So there's a lot happening. Around this Aries and Libra axis. Right? Pretty much everything. The only other things going on. Right now in the night sky, our Saturn still retrograde every here in Aquarius and Venus is directly across from that. And Leo still, um, for a little while longer, Venus will be moving out of Leo. Um, next week, in fact, Shortly after. Rahoo and K2 move. That's not a, my point to be talking about right now, but just, just importantly from that, like, What I hope you got from what I just said is that pretty much everything is built up around Aries and Libra. And this is something I've been like harping on recently is that that's how it works with these big karmic shifts of Rafa and K2 and really Saturn and Jupiter to. Is, it will kind of like build the energy will build and then come to a head and right at the moment of transition, which we're at this week and next week. Um, if you haven't been sort of working with whatever. It's been asking you to work with. There might be some hard lessons coming up, but if you have. That's, uh, it will sort of resolve now. I hope that makes sense. And, and we, of course, again, in that workshop, I went over. Um, More in depth of how to really, truly understand how that applies to your chart individually. But in a general sense, Aries is itself. And Libra is other, so there's probably a lot of karma coming up and either. Um, being worked through or not. Around self and other around self-expression and relationships. And that kind of stuff has been the major theme. With Rohit and K2 over the past. Year and a half. And then so also. This rah, rah, who is still going Donta Sera. Iran who has been going Donta, meaning, um, in the early degrees of a fire sign, moving to a water sign for a little while and we'll continue to begin Donta. For almost the rest of the year. And so basically it's just, things are really heating up and what you're sort of like pushing, putting into motion right now is. Um, A little more impactful and I'm trying not to be too cryptic. With that, but I also just want, like, I just don't feel like right now is the time for me to explain.
[00:26:08] um, But, you know, I dunno, it's just like, If you want to know more about that, just ask me. Um, but for those of you that have been like listening for a while, that's just a little bit reminder. Um, And we are at the end. Of the guru Tondo yoga. So when RA who moves away from Aires on Monday, right after the eclipse, when the moon is still kind of technically in its full phase, Um, Jupiter will be feeling a lot better. So basically it's like everything's building and this week is when things are going to come to a head probably in a big way or come to fruition in your life related to. Whatever's been building in your life. And hopefully next week, things start to. Ease or get challenging in a different way. Um, Right in your chart. And whatever's been going on around self and other for you or around the houses. Where Aries and Libra are. We'll start to ease. Next week. So that's just some important other stuff happening astrologically. Now let's dive more deeply into the narc Shasha of Ashwini. Ashwini is like I mentioned the first of the Zodiac. So it has this natural connection to like new beginnings and, um, Like initiation like that spark of starting something new. And it's symbolized by a horses head. So there's a connection to horses, which archetypally horses are strong, powerful, they're fast, but they're also gentle. Um, but they're like, They don't take no live. You know what I mean? Like horses. We'll like buck you in a second. If you're being an asshole kind of thing, you know what I mean? Like, but they're also gentle and horses are very therapeutic. And you ever heard of equine therapy? So that's part of the archetype in informing this. Uh, clips and then also the ruling planet is K2. So that just, um, means that whatever K2 is doing is a little bit more impactful at this eclipse. And so, like I mentioned a moment ago, K2 is over there and Libra with the sun Mars and, um, mercury. Right. And they're all kind of being blotted out by the sun. They're like mercury and Mars are combust. Right? And then, so that's drawing this connection of just like everything's around areas and LIBOR right now. And so that's the astrological reason. But, um, basically like I've been saying is like everything around these karmas is probably building and coming to a head. Right now. And then the ruling deity of this Knox Yatra. Katra is the Ashwini kumaras, which are the physicians of the gods, basically. So just to wrap all that up, this symbolism of this snapshot. Tra is playing into energies around this eclipse of, um, healing. Of strength. And power. And, um, initiation. Right. And that kind of thing. But. It is a full moon. Eclipse. So what I'm going to assert that. We'll talk about this in the journal prompts is that hopefully you are bringing some. Initiation. That you started over the past six months, especially, but maybe year and a half. Um, To fruition to full circle. So just to recap, the overall energies of this. Full moon, eclipse, lunar eclipse. Our spiritual healing, the healing energy is super high, given that Ashwini kumaras archetype, right. And the connection to K2. Um, here. And so K2 is a very like spiritually embodied. Planet. If it's like, The shadow of K2 is, is being disembodied or being detached. Right. I'm like a little bit too, to detach to spiritually detached from the material world. Right. Um, but the, uh, most. Aligned, I guess, or what's the opposite of shadow? Side of K2 is, um, being spiritually embodied, like maintaining that spiritual connection and connection to your body as you move through life. And so if you can. Uh, tap into that at this eclipse, it will be good. And then another overall energy is embodying. Your Dharma embodying that right path. Like, are you. Walking the walk in your life. And CA is there anything that you can do to bring that more to fruition to being to existence at this full moon? And then also. Another overall energy of this eclipse is ending. An 18 month cycle. And with that ending ushering in a big new beginning. And so can you embody what you've been working on for the last 18 months, but especially like I said, the last six months since, because at the last eclipse we had. In April, it was like within days of Jupiter moving to areas and starting this guru. And all yoga. So if you wanted another thing to revisit. You could go back and listen to that episode from April at the last eclipse, we had an area's when Jupiter. Um, moved to Aries, right? If you will. So that's an important, like bringing that last six months full circle. And maybe then also thinking about like, did you, this is part of the journal prompts. Like, did you start anything then that you couldn't finish? And how can you, um, once RA who moves away, bring a more balanced, like Jupiter, Marion approach to whatever. You sort of started. Six months ago, right? So the yoga practices for this eclipse include. Third chakra work, um, balancing Omni, because that's. Like, if you haven't done. Poncha karma or like an I R Vedic. Um, people often call it kitchery cleanse, but I just, I like to use the word Poncha karma instead, because it's more than just eating kitchery it's not like, I feel like I've heard that described before as like a cadre clones do a Katri cleansing and all you gotta do is just eat Kittery for two weeks or 10 days or whatever. It's more than that. Like, if you do true Poncha karma, it's more than just only eating kitchari. And I have an IRA Vedic practitioner, friend. Who is wonderful to guide you through that from the comfort of your own home, it's much more affordable. Um, and probably honestly higher touch, higher support than going on a PA Poncha karma retreat. Um, So if you want. To know more about that. Let me hook you up with my Ayurvedic practitioner friend. I do Poncha karma all the time. I don't feel qualified to guide people through them. I'll tell you about it, but I'm not gonna guide you through. I'm not an Ayurvedic practitioner, nor am I a dietician, but Poncha karma. Cleansing is highly indicated right now. That's that would be a good way to work through this. Energy and sort of release. Anything that needs to be released if you will, from your being, um, But then in an Asana sense, If you can do. Like. Uh, cooling breath because Aries is a little bit hotheaded energy. Um, and also like nervous system regulation is extra important right now. Um, so cooling breath, support your head as much as possible. Um, So that could be with your hands or like on the floor itself, that kind of stuff. And if you want to come, if you're in Nashville, you can come this weekend. And we'll do a practice related to this. And so your journal prompt for the it's. Well, it's two journal prompts. Your journal prompts for this eclipse are one. Did you begin anything that you couldn't finish this year? And how can you focus on bringing those intentions to fruition now? How can you focus on embodying those intentions?
[00:34:17] You said especially about six months ago. And I started to just copy and paste the journal prompts from April, from the elastic eclipse in areas. But if you wanted to revisit that. I recommend it, but I just, I was like, nah, I don't, I'm not, I'm not a copy and paste or. Oh, sorry. My next calendar event, I always I've been forgetting lately to put my stuff on, do not disturb and I apologize. Um, and then, so next question is, uh, what's your Dharma. And how are you embodying that? And so that's like, like I spent some time harping on that. I suspect most people are doing their Dharma. Like as long as you've been spending a long time trying to do the next right thing and sorta like, be the person you needed when you were younger kind of idea. Then that's your Dharma. And I suspect that, you know, But. Astrology just helps feel validated in that and helps find a little bit more clarity. So if you want to revisit that workshop, That's what that's for, um, to help you figure that out a little bit more in-depth but. I suspect that some part of your being knows. Um, and can you embody that any amount more. Um, As we step into this new cycle after the eclipse. And so right now, like I've been saying is the time to just pay attention and think about what, um, downloads you've been getting. And then after the eclipse season is over, is when you'll sort of put that into more action. So I hope that helps. Um, Yeah. If I sent you an email about being a reading winner. Or if I said your name earlier and you didn't get that email, please reach out to me directly. And then, um, yeah, happy eclipse season, happy half moon day. Um, And if you still there's still last little chance to fill out the survey and get in on that. A free two week membership trial. If you want more details about that, you can also just email me. I'm always just an email away. Rosemary Yogi scopes.com. So please. Remember to keep your feet on the ground. You're heading the stars and stay in the light until next time friends take care.