2024.07.18 full moon in capricorn
[00:00:00] The moon is full and mercury retrograde shadow period is in full swing. And so this episode. We'll be mostly to tell you about the full moon, but I can't not say anything about this mercury retrograde. So. Um, yeah, let's talk about it. Let's talk about what's happening in this guy in the cosmos. And then of course, how those subtle energies, those subtle cycles might be affecting you in your personal life on a global scale.
[00:00:33] And then what I think, I hope sets this podcast apart from maybe any other. Astrology podcast is that I hope to always end with some actionable, like what can you really do about it in your life? Through therapeutic yoga practices and journal prompts? So with that said, I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the podcast.
[00:00:57] I'm your host, Rosemary Holbrook. I'm a Vedic sidereal astrologer, and I am now. A yoga therapist. So if you've been listening to this podcast, welcome back. If you're new around here. Welcome. I'm very glad to have you either way. Um, but for the folks that have been listening, I always say. As soon to be yoga therapists.
[00:01:19] And I qualify that with like, I can't really call myself a yoga therapist until I've finished. Well, it turns out since the last podcast episode came out, I graduated. My yoga therapy program. And so here I am, I've submitted my application to become a CIA Y T through the international association of yoga therapists.
[00:01:38] That's a mouthful. Um, they're the current governing body on the field of yoga therapy, the emerging field. So I'll say more about what it means and why. You should maybe care. Um, And just a moment, but I've submitted my application. They said it takes up to 90 days to review. So anyway, I've been saying for a long time, soon to be yoga therapist and trying to explain what that means. Um, so now I've graduated my yoga therapy. Training program it's basically. Like you could say, like a master's in yoga and therapeutic applications of yoga specifically, which is basically the reason I bring that up every time.
[00:02:16] That's what we're doing here on this podcast is I'm taking. The, what can sometimes be like out in space had heady cerebral, like a little bit upper chakra imbalanced. Uh, astrology. And bringing it down into your body, into real life for you through the yoga therapy work that I do. Um, and so every episode I'll end with yoga practices and journal prompts for you to hopefully. Like embody or work with the specific astrological energies that we're talking about on the podcast.
[00:02:52] And usually, like I was saying this episode, There's a full moon. This is your full moon report. I'm going to talk about the full moon, but I can't ever. Leave it at that personally, I have a really hard time not taking a holistic view because what makes this full noon different from any other full moon? Or different from the last time. We had a full moon in Capricorn happens about once a year, the full moon cycle through the signs.
[00:03:17] There's really, there's 13 moon cycles in here. So some, some years, one sign we'll get more than one, but roughly. Once a year, we'll have a full moon and a new moon in each sign, six months apart from each other and the full moons and the new moons in. The respective signs. So this one is happening in Siberia, Capricorn. So, this is also kind of a special episode because as it turns out next week, I'm giving a presentation to, um, the tamed wild coven.
[00:03:45] So the folks over at tamed Wilder, I'd like to consider them some friends of mine. I used to give astrology readings at their retreats a couple of years back. Um, and they ended up going with an in-house. Uh, Western astrologer, tropical astrologer. And so, um, because I do Vedic astrology. And so this is where there's usually some confusion because most. Folks if you're in the U S if you're in a Western country, What us Vedic astrologers or cider serial astrologers might call, you know, Western astrology.
[00:04:19] If you're in a Western country, often that's just astrology. So folks that are newer to astrology,
[00:04:25] It's a point of confusion. And so.
[00:04:29] Just a little quick rundown. Um, The Siberian Zodiac is almost a full sign off from the tropical Zodiac. It's 26 degrees assign is 30 degrees. And so I'm going to give this quick little rundown because I feel like it helps. I feel like understanding the astronomy of what's happening. Astrologically is sort of one of the factors that feeds into how we understand. The archetypes of when I say like, what makes this full moon in Capricorn different from the previous full moon or the one after it, or the last full noon in Capricorn, which would have been about a year ago.
[00:05:05] Right? Around this time. Last year. So what makes this one different? The sum of that is, you know, the mythology of the signs for example of the planets. But part of it, a big part of how we understand these astrological cycles is. The astronomy of it. And so. First of all, this is, if you're newer to astrology, it may be news to you.
[00:05:29] If you, if you're not newer to astrology, it's a handy reminder. That none of these, when I say the moon is in Capricorn, it is not physically in space. Like among those stars. It is just from our point of view. On earth. The stars that make the constellations are like a backdrop. And they're not rotating, but we are right.
[00:05:52] The earth is rotating. And so from our point of view, The stars are always moving across the sky. And the constellations that we know as the signs are kind of in one. Belt, you could say there. And so that little belt is kind of rotating around the earth from our point of view, right? And so that's the backdrop. And then the planets. Which we know the moon's not a planet, but it functions as a planet.
[00:06:17] It's a body, it's a celestial body, which we call planets in astrology. Even though we recognize that some of them aren't planets like the sun and the moon are not planets. Anyway. Um, neither are the nodes, FYI. But we call them all planets. They function as celestial bodies, which we call planets. And so the planets are also from our point of view, moving around at a different rate on a different sort of belt than the stars.
[00:06:46] And so from our point of view, When. We say the moon is in Capricorn it's the moon is sitting over the backdrop of Capricorn from our point of view. And so the part of that that gets confusing for folks is Vedic astrology by and large uses this idea Zodiac. Western astrology also by and large uses the tropical Zodiac. And when these systems were first being sort of passed down, systematized written down, when they became systems of astrology. It used to be that the. Um, Tropical Zodiac and the side year yield Zodiac we're aligned. And over the 2,004,000 years since then the Vedic system. Using this idea of Zodiac accounts for what we call the procession of the equinoxes, which means. The earth is like tilted on its axis.
[00:07:44] And so that tilt causes the, um, The spring Equinox, basically, it's the point of reference to change by about, I think I read five seconds every year, which what, how that. What that happens, astrologically. What that means? Astrologically is. That's one degree every 72 years. That the Vernal Equinox point in the sky in relation to the stars in relation to the constellations. Changes one degree every 72 years.
[00:08:18] And so over the 2000 or 4,000 years, The systems are about. 23 degrees off from each other now. And so that's confusing. That's almost a whole sign because as I've been saying is this whole system is based on our point of view from earth. So if you take the entire 360 degrees around earth, Of like view of the sky.
[00:08:41] Each sign.
[00:08:42] If there's 12 signs, 360, cut it into 12 pie slices. Right. That's 30 degrees per sign. And so, um, 23 degrees is almost an entire sign. So most of the time, the placements that we're talking about with this idea, aerial Zodiac are going to be assigned off. And the reason I'm going. So in detail with this, this. Episode is because one, I do genuinely believe that it's a helpful reminder.
[00:09:10] If even if you're not new to astrology, if you're new, it's kind of mind blowing. I think, like, I remember when I was first learning this and I was like, Um, I do remember my brother, who's an engineer being like. You know that stuff's not even real right. You know, because the tropical Zodiac is. Almost an entire sign off from what's happening literally in the night sky.
[00:09:33] And so the justification for that, that I've heard from people who use the tropical Zodiac as well. That keeps Aries. The fire sign of Aries. Right at the, when the sun moves the Aries, it's always on the spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere at least. And so. Excuse me. That's fine. I guess. Um, but yoga and Vedic astrology has this other beautiful sister science known as either. Beta.
[00:10:03] And so I don't really feel like we need to account for the seasons necessarily astrologically. Um, 'cause I Arvida accounts for that. And I have just noticed personally, because I've been studying this, I try to keep an open mind. Y'all like, I don't, I try really hard not to be like fixed in my ways are like really dogmatic, which is interesting that this is coming up because this full moon. In Capricorn is. Uh, I'll tell you more of a Capricorn tends to be a pretty Orthodox sign. And so I try not to be super dogmatic about my view of astrology.
[00:10:39] Some people are whatever, if you're one of those people that likes dogma, I might not be the astrologer for you. Um, there are others out there that you can find, but, um, I'm not very dogmatic. I like to even have in mind. I like to question like, is this true? Does this feel true? Like, does it feel more true that Aries season is. Begins right on the Vernal Equinox.
[00:11:00] And I just, from, from the, I've been paying attention to the more subtle energies of like the way people act. And so yes, it is true on the spring Equinox. From a solar cycle standpoint. We have. You know, the days are getting longer. Things are heating up that kind of aligns with the fire qualities of Aries.
[00:11:21] Right. It's kind of like the spark Aries is like the spark of the fire sign. Whereas Leo is which I'm getting ready to talk about in a second. Leo is. The, um, It's like the more sustained fire kind of, um, As the next fire sign in the Zodiac. And so like, I can see that I can from a seasonal standpoint, but in, in this system, yoga, I are Veda and Vedic astrology that I have a really hard time. Uh, distinctly separating the buckets there's overlap.
[00:11:54] Right. Um, personally, I think. And so I can see that seasonally, but from a subtle energy standpoint, Just try it on for size. If you're here. Um, Likely you're down with it. You're down with learning the Vedic astrology system. But the reason I'm bringing this up is because for one, I might point some folks from that tamed wild. Presentation that I'm giving to this. And for another, this full moon is actually one of the very few. It happened. It happens like once a year ish. Um, it might be a little bit longer than a year that it happens that I might be more like 18 months. I don't know. Um, That there's overlap where this full moon is happening. Siberia and Capricorn as well. As tropically in Capricorn. And so it felt like a good time to remind you. Of that. Um, Or tell you if you're new to astrology, if you're new to Vedic astrology, um, there's a good little synopsis of. The difference between the two systems.
[00:12:56] And so I say that every once in a while, I think it's a helpful, like reminder. And so quickly. Before I get into the full moon. I know I'm ready to get into the full moon stuff too. I can't not say anything about, I know that's a double negative. My, uh, sixth grade grammar teacher would be so upset.
[00:13:15] Um, but, uh, Grammar is just a concept meant to colonize us anyway. Um, Sorry. Eh, so I can't not bring up mercury retrograde because this morning I still, I started to record this podcast episode. Um, I was like stumbling over my words and I was like, I don't have enough time to like, make this good or better at least. And the amount of time I had a lotta to record this podcast episode yesterday.
[00:13:44] And so I have mercury retrograde in my birth chart. Um, Which means, I think it affects me less a little bit than it does other people. Um, or it feels more just like normal to me. Um, Anyway. It does make me stumble over my words more and kind of have brain farts more. That's something I've noticed personally.
[00:14:06] And I used to try to fight it and cover it up and make my podcasts nice and polished. Anyway. I don't do that anymore. Sorry. Um, It just felt like more trouble than it was worth. Kind of like I was saying grammar as a concept meant to colonize us. It's like, if you knew what I meant. Like there's no need to correct the double negative or whatever.
[00:14:23] Anyway. That's kind of, that's a mercury retrograde vibe is like, It might not technically be right or correct, or the best, but with mercury retrograde, we know it affects communication. Right. Um, And travel often. And so, and like systems, but usually what happens is like it will cause delays. It will cause interruptions, it will cause typos, it will cause stumbling over your words, but the message will still get across and you will still get to your destination.
[00:14:53] That's the vibe of mercury retrograde. And so this morning, it's just funny to me that I was like, ah, I need to get this podcast episode out to it yesterday. But I didn't have enough time. And I was like, unclear. Like it just makes it, it mercury retrograde we're in the shadow period now, um, makes me feel like. It's harder for me to say clear things, which is hard when I kind of talk for a living, I teach yoga and I have a podcast.
[00:15:18] And, um, so I'm basically giving a bunch of meat presentations. Every day, my life, um, which means I need to speak clearly and be articulate. And it's hard for me. Especially when mercury retrograde or shadow period is here. And so anyway, it didn't work out yesterday. I was like, I'll just do it in the morning.
[00:15:33] So here it is Friday morning, I'm getting back to the podcast episode. And this morning before that way earlier this morning. Um, I was reading. I get this like daily email from the New York times. And that's pretty much. Like, that's how I stay plugged in with the news. Cause they'll just like, there'll be like, these are the headlines.
[00:15:51] And if something catches my interest, I'll look more into it. Right. Um, And I've had, I've been getting that daily email since COVID times when it felt really important to stay. Plugged into the news. And so, um, this morning, In the wee hours of this morning, um,
[00:16:11] There was a, not a cyber attack, but a cyber security company that apparently is this huge cybersecurity company. I had never heard of it before, but apparently they're like kind of behind the scenes working with all these big. Um, Companies like airlines, we're talking airlines. And apparently also there the cyber security company for, um, the 9 1 1 system, the emergency call, like if you have an emergency in the United States, you call 9 1, 1.
[00:16:39] It's probably a different number in like Australia. Or Canada. Um, and that's the reason I make that clarification because I know we have listeners in outside the U S and so anyway, it's, it's emergency, like if you have an emergency and you need an ambulance or a first responder, You call 9 1 1. And so this cybersecurity system released a tech update, like in the middle of the night.
[00:17:01] And this is what cybersecurity is. This is what software companies do is they. Usually try to do there. Updates and things in the middle of the night, so that if something does happen, it's not, um, they can fix it before. The shit hits the fan. And so this. Anyway. The shit hit the fan this morning. And it said like flights were grounded, like it's a business day.
[00:17:24] And so people are getting to the airport six, 7:00 AM for their flight for the day. And there's like all these flights delayed. All over the U S the 9 1 1 system. Apparently wasn't working in the middle of the night. And so that's just.
[00:17:36] That's mercury retrograde y'all. It is. And so it's like, I hope with the 9 1, 1 thing that nobody was like delayed to a point that that really caused a problem.
[00:17:48] I genuinely hope that, but with the. The flight delay thing. Um, Those people are still going to get where they're going. They are, they just are, and it's inconvenient and it's annoying. And, uh, all of that. And so.
[00:18:06] People might be getting kind of dysregulated, which interestingly mercury also rules over your nervous system.
[00:18:12] And so I was raised, I was raised in the south, um, where you may have heard of like Southern charm. Is like a thing like southerners are supposed to be like really polite. I guess, and, and Southern hospitality, right. Um, and so I was raised with the saying, you catch more flies with honey. And. It. It comes to my mind because with travel, I know some people in my family who actually raised me with that saying. Or some of the ones to get like the most dysregulated and the most angry at the poor desk agent. Um, who has no control over this cybersecurity update?
[00:18:49] It's not their fault that the flight is delayed. And these people in my family would be getting so pissed off and thinking that person is incompetent. And so they're the same ones who raised me with that. You catch more flies with honey, but I'll just, I'm going to update that. And say you get more done. With a regulated nervous system. Um, so, and if you're not from the south, you've never heard that before you catch more flies with honey means like, You get more done?
[00:19:14] You get your needs met better. If you're nicer. If you're sweeter than if you're mean people are more likely to help you if you're sweet. And so, um, that's a Southern, like culture thing. And so I'll just say for mercury retrograde. You get more done with the regulated nervous system. If catching more flies with honey is how you want to think about that.
[00:19:35] Fine. But I just want to say if things like that present themselves for mercury retrograde. Think about regulating your nervous system. And so, in fact, that's going to be the topic of next week's podcast episode. So I'll, I'll leave it at that. And. Special new thing next week is we're going to have. I'm gonna let you come to the podcast.
[00:19:56] Recording live it's Wednesday at 2:00 PM. Eastern. I'm only sending the invite out to. Folks on my email list. So when I send my newsletter later this afternoon, I'll have the link there where you can. Register to come live. And so if you can't make it at that time, I will still post the public podcast episode.
[00:20:17] I'm going to back up, record it with my usual recording software so that nobody that comes live. Has to worry about like showing up on the public podcast. Thing. And then I'm going to stop the recording when I get done. Doing the podcast episode, and then I'm going to hang out on zoom. It's on zoom. Um, I'm going to just stay there for, until I have to go get my kids, which is like four o'clock Eastern.
[00:20:39] So it was like two hours that I can stay if people want to be there and asking me questions. I'll stay until we're done. Like, I'm not saying you have to be there till four o'clock I'm saying that's how much time I have. And I'm happy to stay the whole time. You can ask me anything. You can ask me questions about mercury retrograde.
[00:20:55] This is I'm. In the best way that I can right now, I used to have office hours and my membership that is right now. Shut down. It's not open. Um, and I'm not running it anymore right now. And so those were one of those in the signed by signs that I will also send out my email later. We're the two most highly missed things.
[00:21:15] And so if you want to come. To basically like an office hours, you can come here and you record the podcast live. I'll do that first. Get it out of the way. I'll stop the recording. And so if you can't make it is what I'm saying is I don't record that part to preserve the intimate container. Um, But.
[00:21:35] You can ask questions live.
[00:21:35] So you can't like submit a question in advance and get the recording. You have to be there. And so if you can make it come. Look for the email. And so now let's talk about the full moon finally. Sorry. That took so long. Um, but it felt like I needed to give that explanation because this full moon is happening.
[00:21:53] Both tropically anti-diarrheal. Li in Capricorn, um, that felt like a helpful reminder, a helpful, even if you've been studying for a shawl astrology for a long time, it's really good to remember that we should think about it this way in terms of astronomy. And if you're brand new, hopefully that helped clear some things up.
[00:22:12] Even though this one is happening in the same size as whatever the other people on the internet are saying. That tend to be louder than Vedic astrology. Uh, astrologers. If you're in a Western country. Um, with the exception of maybe Australia, I think Vedic astrology is gaining a lot more traction in Australia than it is in the United States. Because I have to guess because of the proximity physically to India, um, that Australia is like closer physically to any other than we are.
[00:22:41] So. I think people travel there more. So anyway, um, the full moon in Capricorn is happening Sunday, July 21st. And so. That's soon. Um, Usually, I like to get these out sooner than that, but say lobby. So the time it's happening is 6:16 AM Eastern time, which really means the peak of the full moon is over Saturday night.
[00:23:05] And so that's true. No matter what time zone you're in is Saturday night into Sunday is really the peak of the full moon. Um, But it's not that serious. The moon is already in its full phase. It's actually in Sagittarius right now. The moon is as I'm recording this, but it'll be in Capricorn very soon.
[00:23:23] And also the full moon is happening in the very early degrees of Capricorn. And so actually in fact, this full moon, is it sort of. Incorporates qualities of both Sagittarius and Capricorn because of the knock shot, tra where it's happening, the lunar mansion, which is a tool that we have through Vedic astrology.
[00:23:47] That, so that's when I say. Vedic astrology uses the side of your Dirty ass, Western astrology by and large uses of tropical Zodiac. Um, There are Vedic astrologers who use the tropical Zodiac. There are Western astrologers who use the side year yields. Zodiac. That's fine. But Western astrology and Vedic, astrology have different sets of tools, regardless of which Zodiac they choose to use.
[00:24:08] And so by and large they're in that way, but some people mix it up, like whatever. Um, And so knock shots. Has RA specific Vedic astrology tool that really give us an extra layer of depth. For, especially the moon and what the moon's doing. Either in your birth chart or we want to pay extra special attention to them for the new and full. Moons.
[00:24:31] And so the knock shot tra the lunar mansion where this full moon is happening is Ooh, Tara. Uh, Shada. And so Tara Shada bridges over the sign of Capricorn and Sagittarius, it is in both it. So. How that works, how that happens is, you know, I was saying before, The signs are like, if you divide up our pie of our view of space around earth. You get into 12 slices of the signs you get 30 degrees per sign.
[00:25:00] Well, there are 27 Knox yatras and they're basically subsections of signs. Or sometimes they overlap into two different signs. And so there are 27 of them. So you're cutting the same. PI the same pizza, whatever I'm into 27 spices now. And so that doesn't divide evenly right into 12 slices. So some of them will overlap is fine. Um, And so what I've noticed personally, in my study of astrology, Is that typically these knocks yatras. Where is that? Bridge to signs, incorporate qualities of both of the signs. And so what's also important about this. this full moon, is it marks? You reprint them, uh, the full moon in. The lunar month of a Shada. Which is, so this is
[00:25:52] last year, Google repairing them out was in Shada. Um, so guru. Means like teacher, right? It has connections to Jupiter. Um, it actually translates to basically like from darkness to light. So ideally your gurus should be somebody who like dispels the darkness within you, brings you into the light. Right.
[00:26:13] Um, So last year's guru paranormal was in Perva Shada. It was in the sign of us at Sagittarius. This one happens to be in Capricorn, but it's a new Tara Shada. Um, and so. Gosh, I could say. So much about my thoughts about guru Panama, because. This, this ties back into the, um,
[00:26:35] Uh, earlier when I was saying I'm really not Orthodox.
[00:26:39] And if anything. Capricorn is a super Orthodox sign. It can be kind of dogmatic that's. Um,
[00:26:49] That's one of the, like, I guess keywords. I would say about Capricorn and I am just like, not that way personally. Um, I have a lot of placements in Aquarius. I have my ascendance and Pisces. So I'm kinda like. Not that way. I'm a, I'm a, I'm like a rebel without a cause. If you will. Um,
[00:27:11] And so that's me. And so I respect that there are people. That liked to be more dogmatic and really like that. Um, I'm not that way. So my take. On. Goober Panama. And just the guru like system in general is that I feel like it's really patriarchal personally. I feel like the whole hierarchical system of like, All the power lies on the guru and not within you is like, it just rubs me the wrong way.
[00:27:46] And so. Um,
[00:27:50] Traditionally guru. Panama is a time to honor your teachers and honor the lineages and honor everybody that came before you. And so that's, I like, I struggle with it. Y'all I struggle with. Um, Like, I do think we should respect our elders. I do think we should respect our teachers, but I just also don't think that those teachers should, um,
[00:28:14] Act like they hold all the power.
[00:28:16] Like in my opinion, a good teacher, a teacher worth celebrating is one who empowers their students. And I just find that most people that operate within this like guru lineage thing. Um, tend to be a little bit more like. Especially once they reach that, like teacher status, they like want to be recognized for that.
[00:28:38] And they want that power because they've experienced having. Power over them. So now that they're, they've reached a point where they can have power over somebody else than they want that, or that's the only way they've ever known to be. And so, anyway, this is. The podcast episode where I'm like, I could go on so many different, like soap boxes, right?
[00:28:59] Like the soap box of like the difference between, that's not really a soap box, but like, um, Talking about the differences between the two systems and why do you use one over the other, right. A Vedic and in Western astrology. Uh, another one is, um,
[00:29:15] Like, what is the right way to be in relationship with students or teachers?
[00:29:19] Um, but it does feel relevant with this. Full moon being in being guru Panama. Right. And so.
[00:29:30] That just points to. Uh, it's a good time for you to examine your relationship to those things. And so hopefully my journal prompts and yoga practices will help you. Do that. So, um, Just to kind of like recap, cause I've been dancing around this the whole time before we move into yoga practices and journal prompts, the full moon. Is a time to release.
[00:29:57] It's a time to shed. It's also a time. Sometimes we shed and release. Because we've brought something to fruition. Sometimes we shed and release because something is no longer aligned. So those are kind of, the two options is either. You're letting go of it because it's done, right? Like the work is done.
[00:30:15] Like I finished my yoga therapy program. I'm shedding the actual work of the program because I finished it because I brought it to fruition. I graduated. Right. Or you could be shedding, um, a project or way of being perhaps that, because it's just, it's taking you off course. It's no longer aligned.
[00:30:33] Right. So those are kind of the two options. Either you out a full moon, you, you shed something because it's no longer aligned or you said something because. It's finished. Right. And so that's a full moon. Then we want to look at the. Sign of Capricorn qualities. So Capricorn being the 10th sign has connections to career. To public life to status. Also too. Um,
[00:31:08] Like government systems, right?
[00:31:10] Uh,
[00:31:13] things like that. And so also, Capricorn is, I would say. It can be dogmatic. It can be, uh, like on the positive side of that is. Capricorn is like dutiful it's methodical. Um, it's I guess Orthodox would be like a nicer word for dogmatic dogmatic, meaning, um,
[00:31:40] Upholding tradition, kind of like a, what reminds me of is like, Um, Like government workers who just like, they can only do policy, right? Like only policy and know everything's like black and white and either it fits in this box or that one. Right. Um, And never like an individual case. And so that's why I think I'm just a little bit, cause I do yoga therapy.
[00:32:02] I'm like, everything's on a continuum. Everything's like, what's going to be just right for you. You are unique individual. And so like I understand I get it where there's a place for policy and there's a place for order and there's a place for doing things by the book. And so that's Capricorn. Right.
[00:32:19] And so, um, then Laura Shada knock Shasha is. It. Feels like it has more Sagittarius qualities to me is why I'm like, because so first of all, the stars that make up Mutara. are actually in Sagittarius. So they are the three brightest stars in the breast of the Archer. The Archer that is. You know, Sagittarius is like a center with a bow and arrow.
[00:32:47] And so it's like a human upper body. Pulling back a bow and arrow with horse lower body. Right. Um, That's Sagittarius. And so if you think about the three brightest stars. In the heart in the breast, in the chest. Right. That is the knock shot. Tra so, um, I think that just has a vibe of like a lot of heart, right?
[00:33:10] If you will. And so, uh, the translation of Ritora Shada is the latter invincible one or the final victory. And so. Um, I just want to point out that the person who has final victory is not the one who has luckiest or encounters the least amount of obstacles. It's the person that falls down seven times and gets up eight.
[00:33:31] And that takes a lot of heart. And that's you Tara Shada. Right. And so the symbol for
[00:33:39] is an elephant tusk or the planks of a bed. So the place of a bed you could think of as like, they're these, they're this like from support, steady support. Unseen, but providing steady support, the elephant's tusk that relates to Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. That's what I'm saying. Having that final victory. Is not, um, a matter of not having obstacles.
[00:34:05] It's a matter of moving around them with grace, maybe calling on Ganash. Um, More than the person who doesn't have final victory. Right? Like we hope everybody does, but if you want to be that person who has the being the latter invincible one, Invincible right. Means it doesn't mean that you never experienced a trouble or never falter.
[00:34:25] It means that you. Um, You do you keep going? It's resilient, right? It's a resilient vibe. It's this like you, Tara Shada has like a resilience vibe. It has like a, um, a lot of heart to it. Whereas Capricorn might be more like by the book, more methodical, more dogmatic. And so that's this full moon.
[00:34:47] So if you combine all of that, all of the qualities of Capricorn. What we've discussed, what we know a full moon means astronomically astrologically and the qualities of the knock Shastra of. we get the overall energies of the full moon, which are things like, what are your noble aspirations? And can you cultivate optimism towards those?
[00:35:12] Like what are your more maybe altruistic or. Um, like while being pragmatic, because that altruism, that, um, noble aspirations that comes from. You Tara shot up vibe, but Capricorn is very pragmatic, very methodical. So like, what is your methodical way to get there or your pragmatic way to live out those noble aspirations?
[00:35:38] And so hopefully the journal prompts that I'm about to share will help with that. This oh, this full moon also has a vibe around. Leadership. Achievement a commitment to duty. So remember the knock shot, your Tara shot up. When it bridges over the signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius, it's going to pull in both of those.
[00:36:00] And, um, so especially also at being guru Poornima is like another important. Point is like. That higher philosophy that you might think of, more like Sagittarian plus the, um, Capricorn. Like saturnine like, what are you going to do about it? That's the dutiful aspect. And when you combine that it's like due to due. Towards a higher goal or a higher aspiration, which is what, how we would conceptualize leadership, right?
[00:36:34] Like you can be dutiful, um, or you can be dutiful to like something bigger than yourself or your little world. And that's what we call leadership. Right. So this full moon in general. Especially with it being grouped Panama, like I've said brings a really good time to consider your respect for tradition. And how much do you want to uphold that? How Orthodox do you want to be? And, um, so with that, with a full moon, it's like, are you releasing some of that, maybe tradition that doesn't serve you, maybe you want to create a new tradition or a new. Future for yourself.
[00:37:14] Um, but with that, the Capricorn energy is asking you to have a practical approach. W when you're doing so. So if you're going to uphold tradition or if you're going to not, because you've decided that maybe. Uh, some tradition you've been a part of doesn't work for you. It's just a good thing to consider at. This group Hernan.
[00:37:36] Well, like for example, earlier, when I was talking about the. A lot of it feels kind of patriarchal to me. And so I have to, in that, um, investigation within myself, I have to consider like, well, how I'm, how am I going to be. How am I going to exist in the world? If I'm rejecting that say patriarchal mindset, right?
[00:37:57] What am I going to do instead? Because we could take that completely the other way. Um, Which would be like not. Um, Really leadership at all, if that makes sense. Hopefully that makes sense. Right? It's like, if you're like, I don't resonate with, say for example, to use the one I used earlier, like a patriotic. Patriotic patriarchal model of leadership. And so Capricorn is asking you. To like, okay, what are you going to do instead?
[00:38:32] And so for me, it's like from that trauma informed perspective, Um, it's more like connecting my students to their inner teacher, to their inner guru. Right. Um, and there's, there's like ways to do that without. Um, And so like a trauma informed leadership perspective is like, You still own your knowledge and your role in maybe knowing the material that like the yoga material, for example, the astrology material.
[00:39:03] Um, but the approach is more. Inquisitive. Uh, connecting, letting the student or the client be. Their own expert in themselves rather than taking this. Um, More patriarchal. Approach of like, I have all this education, so I know what's best for you. Right. And so that's something that's been very intentional for me. So maybe you have something like that. In your life where you've been a part of a tradition, um, there is a certain way of being that has been what's Orthodox for you or a dogma that you've been a part of.
[00:39:36] And maybe at this full noon you consider. Um, If you want to continue upholding that if that's, uh, working for you and then maybe. In some ways you pay homage, right. To those that have come before you and upheld that. That tradition, that lineage, that dogma, right. And then maybe in other ways, you're like, okay, I appreciate that.
[00:40:00] That's where I came from. But I think this new way of being would be better. Uh, what is your practical approach? Because we can't just like throw something out and say, we disagree with it without having like. Okay, what are you going to do instead? Because that also keeps you from falling back into the dogma as a default way of being, if you don't have something else.
[00:40:20] So Capricorn wants that practicality from you. So let's the journal prompts should help. Let's dive into some yoga practices for this full moon. One is the Ganash mantra. I feel like this mantra. Like comes to me. Around this time every year. And I'm just like in random ways, like I was in India. Probably, this was probably about five years ago now.
[00:40:47] And, um,
[00:40:51] Somebody was like chanting it in the garden of like where I was staying on one day. And so.
[00:40:58] Then now, now that I know about guru Poornima. And now that I know about. Um,
[00:41:08] so guru Panama happens in the lunar month of a shadow. So it's going to be in either per. Uh, or Vitara Shada Knox Yatra, and both of them have a connection to an elephant task. Or, uh, which means ganache, right? Ganash is the elephant. Head. Headed deity. And so then the mantra is own. Gum. Ganapati. Yay now, Maha. And so you can look it up on YouTube or insight timer or whatever.
[00:41:35] There's plenty of places you can listen to a nice recording to chance along with, or you could chant that mantra with your Mala. If you have one. And that means go forth remover of obstacles. And this will connect you to that energy that, like I was saying, the, the heart of Sagittarius, the breast of the Archer, that vibe of like really connect to that heart within yourself. Of being your own remover of obstacles, right?
[00:42:01] Like when you come to an obstacle, Um, What are you going to do about it? How are you going to be the invincible one? Invincible doesn't mean, um,
[00:42:12] Like not ever encountering a problem, it means overcoming all of your obstacles. Right. And so that's the vibe of this full moon. Um, and so for guru Panama in general, the mantra only Namo guru dev Namo. This is, this is the approach I like to take because, um, it's basically about to your own divine teacher within.
[00:42:34] So can you tap into your own internal wisdom, your own divine teacher within and Capricorn the sign? Is related to the knees. So in your yoga practice, you might consider things that, um, stretch the knees. And by when I say stretch or strengthen a joint, what I mean is stretch or strengthen the muscles around that joint.
[00:42:55] So this would be your upper legs, your lower legs, right? Um, in my classes this week, we've been doing some standing on the knees. We've been stepping forward into lunges from standing on the knees. We've been doing some. Malaspina some low squat. Work. And so when you're say tapping one knee to the opposite side from a Malaspina, you lift your hips up a little bit and your legs have to work very hard.
[00:43:18] And that stabilizes the knees in general. So that's some ideas. Um, for your yoga practice and then your journal prompts. One, what is the business model of my life and for the podcast, I'm just going to leave it at that. I have some clarifying. Uh, journal prompts that I will send out in the email that I'm getting ready to send. The email newsletter. And I'll send out that has the journal prompts and I'm assigned by sign.
[00:43:46] So number two, who are the teachers, mentors or gurus that have made a significant impact on my life and how have these individuals contributed to my personal academic or spiritual growth? And then maybe related to that you consider if there's any. Um, Like, do you want to continue to be like them and aspire to be like those people, the people that you come up with or not.
[00:44:10] Is there a practical way that you want to be different? And then number three, what areas of my life have shown significant growth or expansion? Recently. And what obstacles or limitations do I need to overcome to continue my personal growth? So beyond the lookout for the email, I'll send you that we'll have. These journal prompts written down, it will also have the clarifying ones to help you come up with what's the business model of your life. Um, it will also have a signed by sign, so you can go more in depth to what this full moon means for your individual rising and or moon sign. And it will also have the link to register for our live POS podcast recording. Next week.
[00:44:50] So beyond a lookout for that, I hope to chat with you live soon. So remember to keep your feet on the ground, your head in the stars and stay in the light until next time friends take good care.