YOGISCOPES: Yoga and Vedic Astrology

YOGISCOPES: Yoga and Vedic Astrology

Hosted by: Rosemary Holbrook

Learn how to harness the cosmic energies through your yoga practice. Host Rosemary Holbrook, E-RYT, training Yoga Therapist, and certified Vedic astrologer, provides weekly updates to the astrological weather (using...

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Cut the Bullsh*t - New Moon in Krittika / sidereal Taurus

Are you ready to power up your yoga practice by learning vedic astrology? Join the Astrology for Yogis waitlist! https://www.yogiscopes.com/afy-waitlist The Moon is New, Mercury is direct, and we are out of eclipse...
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Protect your Inner Peace: Mars Debilitated in Cancer

Are you ready to power up your yoga practice by learning vedic astrology? Join the Astrology for Yogis waitlist! https://www.yogiscopes.com/afy-waitlist Mars being "debilitated" sounds scary. I'm here to tell you I...
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BONUS: Radiant Heart Intention Setting Meditation for Mars in Cancer

Mars enters sidereal Cancer this week, so be on the lookout for a podcast episode to drop about that soon. In the meantime, tune into the May outlook episode (immediately before this one) to hear a tidbit about it,...
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Grounded Intensity - May 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast

Are you ready to power up your yoga practice by learning vedic astrology? Join the Astrology for Yogis waitlist! https://www.yogiscopes.com/afy-waitlist This month is a time to do the inner work to stay grounded in...
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Choose your path to abundance - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Vishaka / Sidereal Libra May 2023

Join the mercury retrograde meditation challenge: https://www.yogiscopes.com/clarity Join the waitlist for the upcoming astrology for yogis course: https://www.yogiscopes.com/afy-waitlist  Vishaka Nakshatra is...
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Sparks to Wildfire to Unwavering Agni - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries / Ashwini April 2023

join the mercury rx meditation challenge: https://www.yogiscopes.com/clarity  It's a time to consider your relationship to fire--the fires of transformation (tapas), the fires of digestion (agni) and whether you are...
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Jupiter in Aries Special with Horoscopes for each Sign! (April 21, 2023-May 1, 2024)

JOIN THE MERCURY RETROGRADE MEDITATION CHALLENGE STARTING APRIL 21st: https://www.yogiscopes.com/clarity Join the waitlist for the Astrology for Yogis Course: https://www.yogiscopes.com/afy-waitlist NOW, for the topic...
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Take Healing into Your Own Hands - Full Moon in Hasta April 2023

Get details for the April monthly workshop, all about nakshatras, tithis, and living in alignment with the moon/your natural cycles through Vedic astrology & yoga: https://momence.com/s/85728667 As always,...
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Everything New is a Learning Experience - April 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast

MASSIVE SHIFTS INCOMING, and I'm not just saying that because it's what astrologers always say. First, a question: do you tend to always put yourself into new experiences, perhaps suffering from a bit of "shiny object...
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Manifest Action, but Nourish your Spirit - New Moon Report March 2023

This New Moon reaches its peak when the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 around 1:21pm EST, in the sign of sidereal Pisces - in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Tune in to hear yoga practices...
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Little s self vs. Big S Self - Venus Conjunct Rahu & Mars in Gemini

Many shifts happened this week that are related (perhaps foreshadowing) of more major shifts to come. Relationships and communication could get a little feisty during this time (in good or bad ways), so tune in to...
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Learn to Rest, Not Quit - Full Moon in Purva Phalguni

The full moon for March 2023 is happening on March 7th at approximately 7:29am EST in sidereal Leo, in Purva Phalguni nakshatra. During this full moon, there may be a heightened sense of passion, romance, and...
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