Learning Center
Learn how to use yoga, Vedic astrology, and Ayurveda to live in alignment with nature, seasons, and cycles.
Use ancient tools and modern wisdom to keep your feet on the ground, your head in the stars, and stay in the light!
Looking for Horoscopes?Weekly horoscopes (along with yoga practices and journal prompts for the astrological weather) have moved!
Happy Lion's Gate! 🦁 (08.08!)
Wait... 🧐 I know what you're thinking -
"But ROSE, isn't that a WESTERN astrology concept??"
Yes, yes it is. Thank you for noticing.
But these two systems have been influencing each other for thousands of years (since the start, tbh), so why stop now??
Anyway - tha...
Do you feel a deep connection to the moon? Maybe you want to align your life to cosmic energy cycles, to create a better sense of flow. This may especially ring true if you feel that your energy waxes and wanes throughout the month, flowing like the phases of the moon.
Did you know that the moon ch...
This is the companion blog post to episode 14 of The Science of Light Podcast, for more info please tune into the episode!
"The art of progress is to preserve order amid change, and to preserve change amid order." - Alfred North Whitehead
Please exhale and notice your breath. Maybe for 15 seco...
as•trol•o•gy: the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs and the natural world
Maybe you know your sun sign, based on your birth date. Maybe you even know your “big three”. These are things that Western astrology (widely used in th...
Who are you? Or, how do you even go about answering that question? How are identities crafted? Why do we hold the beliefs we hold? How do those beliefs influence our behavior?
In the words of Women’s Hall of Famer Maggie Kuhn, “Speak your truth even if your voice shakes!” That's what I'm doing here...